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Greetings! My name is Rosie Lopez and I have lived in Los Angeles, CA for the past 30 years. A close friend first introduced me to Reiki in December 2018, but it wasn't until a year later that I received my first session, which marked the beginning of my spiritual awakening.

Inspired by my own experience and driven to continue my spiritual growth, I became a Reiki 1 practitioner in June 2019, starting with self-healing and then extending to my family and community. Additionally, I am trained as an Arcturial Symbology practitioner and a Spiritual and Angel Tarot reader. As a Reiki Master, I offer in-person and virtual instruction for Traditional and Angel Reiki at the 1, 2, and Master levels.


As a result of my awakened consciousness, I perceive each situation as a learning opportunity and a chance to heal myself and further evolve. I welcome you to join me on this wonderful and enchanting journey!



Rosie López

Reiki Master

Angelical Reiki Practitioner

Tarot Reader

Arcturian Symbology 


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